电子打泡箱 LP-130 Foamer
◆简介 一直以来,地毯上污垢的形成很大程度上是由于外部环境所致,如尘埃与水渍及清洗、保养地毯过程中水分过多,未干透就使用而造成的。因此,LEAP公司有针对性地,专业设计制造出LP-130电子打泡箱,泡箱内所产生的丰富且含水量极低的干泡地毯清洁剂泡沫与地毯内的污垢产生化学反应,将污垢分解, 结晶并浮于地毯表面,令清洗后的地毯能迅速干透,从而达到理想、满意的清洁效果。◆INTRODUCTION: For all the time being, the stains of carpet comes from the outer environment,dust,and carpets were used without drying enough.SO the LEAP company specially designed the machine LP-130 foamer. Through the work of it, the detergent produces much more gentle& denser foam. It easily dries the cleaned carpet and makes the clean job perfect.◆工作原理: 利用气泵产生气压的原理,使按比例稀释后的干泡地毯清洁剂在气压的作用下产生丰富的、高密度的泡沫,用来更好的清洁地毯。It makes of the “compressure pump”, as the function of the compressure pump”,it enriches the tank pressure air. When the diluted detergent flow through the tank and mix with the pressure air, the foam gets more gentle &density, which is satisfied the customer demand.
◆电子打泡箱技术参数型号 Item No: LP-130名称 Name:Foamer 电子打泡箱电压Voltage:220V 50HZ功率Power:210W泡箱最大容量capacity: 5L标准出泡量Outlet foam: 0.05 m3/Min体积Dimension: 10×270×480mm重量Weight: 8KG噪音量Noise Standard: <=53dBa安全系数Safety date:II